Last week I took a class on the Stack the Deck jacket. I'm still sewing blocks together! It'll be a cool jacket if I ever get it finished; our weather has turned warmer so I may not need it this spring. I have daffodils blooming!!!
I'm still organizing! I found more fabric in my old sewing room upstairs. 

I 'think' I have all of it now. I haven't found a place for my yardages yet.

I went thru my books-all 240! And I now have 36 official ufo's. I had more but trashed some and gave some away. I feel so energized to get back to quilting!
Annie and I are leaving tomorrow morning for Quiltfest in Pigeon Forge, Tenn. I'm so excited!! Two days of quilts and shopping. Don't need fabric, books, or patterns. Wonder what goodies I'll find?